How to Strengthen Your Beliefs?

Believing in “Believing in Something”

Haya Akbik
3 min readApr 26, 2021
Calming scenery with an open book, vase and a cup of coffee
Photo by freestocks on Unsplash

Talking about believing in something is easy, applying it on the other hand… not as much.

I keep writing both here and on my Instagram page about “believing” since it was the theme for April 2021. However, I never talked about how to actually strengthen your belief, which is why I was so happy to hear this question from a great friend of mine and it is the reason why it is the topic for today’s blog.

Understand the “Why”

To be able to believe in something in the first place, you really need to understand the reasoning behind it. so take a moment to ask yourself: “why do I believe in this?

From my personal experience of believing in God for example, I believe in God because of the million things that happens in my everyday life that proves his exitance to me.

Another personal example, I believe in myself because I can see that I am a capable person who will do great things and earn their place in life, so I feel worthy of believing in myself.

Now back to you.

Ask yourself that question even in the smallest things like “I believe I am right about this” …. Why? Why do you believe that you are right?

Your answer to those questions will make you understand why you believe in something and thus strengthen your belief. Or it will make you understand why you shouldn’t believe in something and thus strengthen your belief in something else.

It is a win-win situation, so why don’t you give it a go?

Check in on the Aftermath

Once you identify why you believe in something, make sure you understand where this belief is taking you.

Believing in yourself for example is probably going to result in you achieving what you thought would be impossible. On the other hand, believing that judging people based on their race for example, will probably result in you getting hit on the head to wake up.

That is why it is important to understand this belief of yours. Is it really the right one for you? Understanding the reasoning and the outcome of your belief will result in you choosing it and thus strengthening it in the process.

Keep an Eye on the Patterns

When something happens once, you can assume it is a coincidence. When it happens twice you can start wondering. But when it happens 3 times then you can really start calling it a pattern.

For example, you were in distress and you called your friend to help out. They will probably be there if they are one of the good ones. When it starts happening more often, then you can start believing that they will be there every time.

Patterns increases the likelihood that something will actually happen again. Therefore, it is a key ingredient of the “strengthening your belief” recipe. Once you see something occurring too often you would know that you are on the right track.

“Believe” is a very big word and it is a part of all of our daily lives. Nevertheless, it can be easy to feel a lack of belief in too many situations so it is good to be reminded of how to bounce back up when this happens.

As always I am here to help and I will be waiting for your comment and feedback.

Be sure to check my other articles about believing right here:



Haya Akbik

International Management & Psychology Master student by day and an aspiring writer by night..